Are you being Selfish or Selfless?

health/wellness relationships Jun 03, 2024

Life's got a funny way of throwing curveballs, doesn’t it? Sometimes, it feels like we're on top of the world, in the flow, know what’s coming around the corner, and then whack! We get hit with unexpected situations – sometimes tragic, inexplicably sad things.

We hear this all the time, everything happens for a reason. Even the toughest moments have their purpose – but when the walls are collapsing around us, or we are in shock with grief, we can’t even fathom what that reason could be.

The reality is that life changes every day and the only thing we can actually control and trust is ourself. You need to put yourself first – mind, body and spirit. Do the things that inspire your evolution to your best self – meditate, journal, breathe, move, walk in nature, yoga, reach out to your trusted people. This is not a selfish act – it is a SELFLESS act. When you love yourself first, you will then be able to support, connect, and serve those around you when life goes sideways. Your wisdom, strength, and knowing will uplift your loved ones.

I have come to a place (after many, many years) where I fully believe and embrace that everything in my life happened for a reason – it’s part of the twists and turns of life. When you choose yourself first, you are an inspiration to everyone around you when they need you the most.

You are a bright light…..
