Right Brain Thinking May Lead to Your Purpose

health/wellness Oct 15, 2024

Lately, it feels like everyone I talk to - clients, friends, and all those who magically cross paths in life - are asking the same big questions: "What am I here for?" "What’s my purpose?" "Is this all there is to life?"

If you’ve found yourself stuck in the same loop of wondering, you're not alone...

As a lifelong learner and an intensely (sometimes annoyingly!) curious person full of ideas and dreams, I’m always searching for the answers, too. What I've discovered is this: the answers don’t come from pushing harder or trying to “think” our way out. They come from a place far more magical—the right brain.

Curiosity, creativity, imagination—all of these flow from the right brain. This is the side of our mind where possibilities live. It’s the place where daydreams take shape, where we allow ourselves to color outside the lines, and where we tap into the playful side of life. And guess what? That’s often where our purpose is hiding, waiting for us to rediscover it.

Think back to when you were a kid. What did you love doing before life got so serious? For me, it was writing, reading, drawing, playing music—all those wonderfully creative things that sparked joy. So, I’ve started bringing them back into my daily routine. The results? A renewed sense of purpose and a reminder that life isn’t just about “doing,” it’s about creating—in big and small ways.

So, if you’ve been trying to figure out your purpose, maybe it’s time to stop thinking so much and start creating. Let your curiosity lead the way, and the answers will find you when you least expect it.

Daydream Often: Give yourself space to let your mind wander. No agenda, no pressure—just let your thoughts flow and see where they take you.

Return to Childhood: What did you love doing as a child? Reading? Building things? Playing music? Start weaving those activities back into your daily life, even if just for a few minutes.

Keep igniting what’s possible—because the adventure of your life is still unfolding, and it's more creative than you could have ever imagined!

Let the right brain lead the way, and let’s create a life we love!