Relationships - when has yours run its course?

relationships Dec 22, 2020

We are in an “evolutionary” time.  With more interest and study of mindfulness and consciousness, humans are evolving like never before.  Women have careers, families have social media and life happens quickly.  It is no wonder that marriages/partnerships run their course – if 2 people are evolving, or one is and one isn’t, it can mean the end of a relationship.  If you do the work to love yourself, discover (or rediscover) your likes and dislikes and are in a relationship that goes against your values and self-worth – what do you do?

The answer is – only you can decide!  Sorry!  No “quick fix” here.  I believe the bravest thing to do for yourself and kids (if you have them) is to leave a relationship that is emotionally harmful.  It’s not the easy path, but if you know it is over, it is important for you to live your truth vs. become a shell.  If this is you – make a plan to support yourself, study “emotional uncoupling” if you are into it, ensure you have emotional (counselling support) and get clear about what you do want your story to look like and live in the now – don’t fret about next week, month or year.  The path will unfold in beautiful ways.

- Kim