Process Over Goals, Balance over Highs and Lows – New Ways to Swerve!

health/wellness Sep 09, 2024

Hey Lifeswervers!

This week, we’re flipping the script on how we chase success. Forget the old-school obsession with goals – we're focusing on the process and purpose! It’s time to stop stressing over the finish line and enjoy the ride. Because let’s be real, life isn’t a race; it’s more like a scenic road trip with a killer playlist – literally! When you focus on the process, the success follows naturally.

I used these 2 techniques last weekend – I entered into a cycling race which I had trained 3 months for. It had become much larger in my mind than necessary, to the point that I was questioning if I was even WORTHY of being in the race - after all, who did I think I was to enter into 102KM bike race at my age? I had a bad training session 2 weeks before which put even more doubt into my mind – which lead me to inquire more into mind, body and purpose information.

After doing a bunch of research - I focused on 2 things:

First things first: focus on your process, not your goals. Why do you want to get fit, eat healthier, or be more mindful? Maybe it’s to feel amazing in your own skin, have more energy to try new things, or just be a more joyful version of yourself. Now, here’s the kicker – instead of focusing on “losing 10 pounds” or “meditating every day” or “achieving a time target”, focus on the process. Maybe that’s lifting weights 3 times a week or planning food that fuels your body. Celebrate the small wins – not just checking off the goal but loving the new habits you’re building along the way.

Secondly: when it comes to success or thinking about a big event? Stay neutral. Don’t let the highs and lows of progress throw you off course. If you crush your workout, awesome! But no need to throw a parade. And if you skip a day or have a crap session? No sweat – just swerve back on track. The key is keeping steady, staying consistent, and having fun! So let’s ditch the pressure, embrace the process, and swerve our way to the life we want – one fun, purpose-filled step at a time!

P.S. – my event resulted in exceeding the original time I had set for myself and having an incredible time.  Instead of being let down by it being over, I am continuing on the habits I have created and planning new events coming up 😊.