Make new friends - feel like a kid again!

health/wellness relationships Jun 24, 2024

Hey Lifeswervers!

Ever feel like life's a bit of a rollercoaster, and not the fun kind? Well, cheer up, because today we're diving into something that can turn that ride from bumpy to belonging: friendship. Yep, good old-fashioned friendship. In our tech-driven world/scrolly McScrollerson world, where a thousand "friends" on social media can still leave us feeling lonely, it's more important than ever to find those real connections.

Remember those carefree days when you could just knock on a friend's door, and they'd be ready to ride bikes or play hide and seek outside? As we hit our fabulous 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond, those spontaneous moments can seem like ancient history. But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way! Now's the time to reach out, rekindle old connections, and maybe even make some new ones.

Here is my case in point example for your social proof! I joined a spin class several months ago and started chatting with the person next to me – she is half my age on the outside, but as we started getting into more things we had a lot of similarities – weightloss, sobriety, family stories – and we bonded over bikes! Fast forward and we've inspired each other to keep training, get new bikes and have just completed our first race. Friends and connections come in all varieties – as we change and grow – so do our friendships. Every time I jump on my bike I feel free and six years old again!

So, let's make a pact. Let's be the generation(s) that ditches the digital loneliness and embraces real, face-to-face (or Zoom-to-Zoom) friendships. Plan that coffee date, join that spin class, or join a community of like-minded people. And don't worry about it being perfect. The beauty of friendship is in the messiness, the laughter, and the shared experiences. Let's ignite what's possible by leaning on each other, laughing together, and proving that the best is yet to come!
