Live with Love – Let Fear WORK for You!

health/wellness relationships Sep 16, 2024

Life has a way of pulling us into a vortex of fear—whether it's fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of not measuring up to someone’s (or our own) expectations. Fear is not the complete “F” word – it does have some benefits; at times it makes us grow and do things we never imagined, when we get to the other side of fear we feel very satisfied. We are victorious when we breathe, let it move through us and ACT. 

However, there are other times when we let it paralyze us and we spiral into woulda, shoulda coulda’s. I know this intimately – I was (and still am at times) a master. The paralysis leads into shame, indulging in bad habits and thoughts that made me feel even worse! But what if we flipped the script and chose to let go of those nagging "what ifs" and trusted that the universe has our back? By loosening our grip on expectations and outcomes, we can start to have fun with life again! 

A great way to start this shift is by incorporating a daily meditation practice. Set aside just ten minutes each morning to focus on your breath, quiet your mind, and remind yourself that you are exactly where you need to be. Visualize handing over your fears and expectations to the universe in a brilliantly lit basket, trusting that something even better is unfolding for you. And while you’re at it, mix things up! Try a walking meditation outside or a fun guided meditation that makes you laugh. Letting go doesn’t have to be serious—think of it as a playful experiment in surrendering to what’s possible.   

When things get crazy in your day and you feel your heart tightening or the pit in your stomach, sit in your chair, close your eyes and inhale to the count of 4, then exhale, then to the count of 8, then 12 for 4 times each and then breathe normally until you feel back to joy.   

Another playful practice? Start each day by setting an intention, but let go of how it’s going to happen. Whether it’s to have more fun, connect with others, or do something new, release the need for everything to unfold perfectly. Be open to surprises! Say “yes” to that spontaneous coffee with a friend, try a new book, or dance like no one’s watching.

When we trust in the universe’s wild and unexpected plan, we start to lead with love, creating space for magic, fun, and endless possibilities!