How many Mondays do I have left?

health/wellness Apr 29, 2024

It’s a common theme in our current human experience to spend a portion of Sunday or Sunday evening reviewing the “Monday dreads”. We think about all of the “have to’s” - have to get the kids to daycare before work, have to deal with this difficult client situation, have to create this report, have to take a shift for a co-worker, etc. etc.

It may sound morbid or downbeat, but I think about this often - what if this was the last Monday I had left? Very few of us actually know how much precious time we have on this earth – let's be honest!! What if this is the last week of my life? How would I want to see things..........

I then shift my thinking to “I get to help out this client through this difficult situation, I get to spend time with my kids in the car, I get to see my in-laws, I get to make a co-workers life easier, I get to walk my dog in nature, I get to reach out to my friends and tell them I love them, I get to just “be” with my spouse, I get to sit outside and journal and listen to the birds...............I GET to enjoy this Monday and this fantastic week ahead.

Monday just hits differently.
