Forgiveness 101: The WTF Model

health/wellness relationships Sep 03, 2024

Hey Lifeswervers! 

As a human with children, parents, friends and businesses; a whole big life with personalities, lives and influences, I have been finding myself mad too often. Mad at myself, others, the system, wasps, hormones – you name it. It IS a prison. When we break out of the grudge prison and use the key of forgiveness, it’s a form of miracle. Forgiveness is always available, always free, because if we don’t forgive, WE are not free – whoever we are not forgiving is going on in their life’s journey free and happy, but WE are not free.    

This week, we're diving into the art of forgiveness with a little help from the WTF model (thanks to Antoinette Allen) – Write, Think, Forgive. Because let’s be real: holding onto grudges is like carrying around a backpack full of rocks. Heavy, right? So, let’s kick rocks and swerve into the lightness of forgiveness, all while having a bit of fun!

First up, Write. Grab a pen and let it all out – no holding back! Write down exactly what’s bugging you, why it hurt, and how it made you feel. Don’t worry about being polite or politically correct; this is your chance to vent like you’re talking to your bestie after a terrible movie. Get dramatic, use ALL CAPS, whatever works! Once it’s all out on paper, you’ll start to see that maybe – just maybe – it’s not as heavy as it seemed.

Next, Think. Now that you’ve purged all those feels, take a step back and think about the bigger picture. Was it really worth all that emotional energy? It is true? Do you know it’s actually true?  Imagine if someone else did this to you – would you want them to forgive you? Probably, right? So, here comes the big one:

Forgive. This is where the magic happens. Forgiveness isn’t about letting the other person off the hook; it’s about freeing yourself from the negativity. Take a deep breath, say "WTF, I forgive you" (and yourself, too!), and watch that backpack of rocks disappear. Now, go out and enjoy your day with a lighter, happier heart! 

WTF Note – this may not be a one and done exercise – you may have to practice this repeatedly, but when you feel those feelings coming up, grab your pen!!! After all, we can choose to be happy.