Finding Your "Why" with some Laughs: Embrace Change and Ignite Possibilities!

career health/wellness Jul 09, 2024

Ever wondered why you're suddenly interested in yoga, kale smoothies, a new career path, sober curiosity or potentially a pilgrimage to India? I know it’s not just me!!! 

Let's face it, we’ve all been there standing in the kitchen, wondering why the music we’re suddenly listening to seems like a life coach or a weird sign. According to Simon Sinek’s TED Talk and a lot of recent research, the secret to lasting change is knowing your "why". But don’t worry, this isn’t a pointy lecture; think of it more like a chat over coffee with a bit of laughter.

First things first, figuring out your "why" doesn’t have to be a spooky soul-searching mission. Think of it as the curious journey to yourself! Imagine you're on a treasure hunt, but instead of digging up dusty maps, you’re uncovering what truly lights you up. Maybe it's the joy of fitting into your old jeans, the thrill of a new career that doesn’t make you cringe on Sundays, or simply having the energy to dance in the kitchen or climb that (metaphorical) mountain. When you know your "why", every goal becomes a step towards something that genuinely excites you—not just another item on your to-do list. Know your WHY and the HOW is all around you!

Now, let’s talk about change. Change isn’t some mythical beast to be feared. Think of it as bringing out your inner wizard. This wizard brings fresh energy, new adventures, and a ton of laughs. Sure, they might rearrange the furniture a bit (hello, new habits!), but they'll also help you see your world from a whole new perspective. So, embrace your "why" and let change be your amusing, life-enhancing weird wizard buddy.

Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress, joy, and maybe a few kitchen dance parties along the way!
