Fall Into the New You

health/wellness Sep 23, 2024

Hey Lifeswervers!

So... here we are, 3/4 of the way through September. And while the world’s getting back into that cozy (insert chaotic/frantic) "back-to-school"/summer’s over routine, we’re left wondering - Wait, is it too late to refocus on our transformation? Spoiler alert: it’s never too late! In fact, now is the perfect time to hit that reset button and swerve back into the habits and processes that make us feel like rockstars. Forget the pressure of January 1 – fall has that “fresh start” vibe without the unrealistic gym memberships or celery juice regrets. 

Let’s fact check: September resets are way easier than New Year’s resolutions. Why? First off, no one’s pushing you into the "new year, new you" madness. It’s like a soft launch for your personal transformation – you’re already in motion, summer’s over, so why not just swerve a little in the right direction? This also can counteract the “chasing summer blues”. Plus, after summer’s fun (and maybe some wild BBQs), we naturally crave a bit more structure. So let’s lean into it – organize those daily habits, refocus on what makes you feel awesome, and remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. 

Actionable steps? Start small and start NOW. Pick one habit you want to get back on track – maybe it’s morning meditation, some meal prep or planning, buying some kettle bells, or simply walking outside for an extra 10 minutes a day. You don’t need a big, dramatic overhaul, just a few key shifts that will carry you through the rest of the year. And guess what? You’ll already be swerving in a new direction by the time January rolls around, while everyone else is just getting started.

So grab that pumpkin spiced latte (or not, no pressure!), refocus, and let’s swerve through fall with purpose and fun!