Dry January? Getting Sober - Kim's Story

health/wellness Jan 10, 2024

My decision to become sober was a result of 2 things – doing everything I could to be mentally and physically healthy, and wanting to feel my best in this next chapter of my life. I have always been mindful of my mental health - I've had periods of time when I felt great, and other times I've been depressed and anxious. It was time to do all I could to be my best. I gave myself a date to quit drinking alcohol (after a wild weekend away) and stuck to it.  Looking back, I had a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol – when I drank, I drank to excess and it would only get worse.

I had been practising the foundations of the Mindswerve course for 3 months and had some success in weight loss, so being diligent with the daily program was key. I had my “why” and was ready to complete my journey with alcohol and see if the program would work for that too. My daily practice has been instrumental in not only my weight loss, but also my sobriety. There is something really beautiful about “feeling” everything life has to offer. When things get difficult, you can look internally, in the quiet, to find the answers instead of reaching for a glass of “whatever”. You can spend your spare time going for a walk/run, doing yoga, or any kind of activity that will enhance your physical and mental wellbeing. If your choice is to quit drinking, know that you will have people around you who do not understand. However, if this is your path, know that life and new experiences will reach up to greet you in amazing ways! I have been sober since September 22, 2019.