Building Confidence - The unexpected joy of starting something new!

health/wellness Apr 22, 2024

Change is hard. Growth is hard. Getting out of our comfort zone is hard. But, when we do, there can be a confidence and joy we never saw coming!

I have been on a journey of self-discovery for several years and have been slowly learning the beauty of the unknown. Embracing the unknown is scary as f@$#, but SO worth it. The path to personal transformation is full of highs and lows, but our determination and courage is a thing of beauty.

Five months ago, I decided to try a spin/cycling class to change up my workouts and learn something new. Please note – my bike was at least 15 years old and had maybe 10 kms of TOTAL use over the years. So, I signed up at the local YMCA to do a spin class. I went to the first class - scared, alone, and almost left as soon as I walked in the door. Kind of how kindergarten felt. I was so worried about what other people thought and then remembered – I don’t play that game anymore!!! I am my own person, I try to do the right things, and I keep my promises to myself! 

One spin class lead to another. I noticed that the instructor really “knew” the participants, and it was then that I realized that this was actually a community. Eventually, I started helping “newbies” set up their bikes - we cheered each other on, and even made plans to go to other classes together. Fast forward several months later - that single decision has lead to great friendships, a supportive community, challenging myself and succeeding, buying a new bike, training for a race, and biking outside whenever I can. I am more fit and can do more physically than I ever thought possible – at any age! It has opened an entire new world of nature, fitness and feeling the freedom of childhood. 

We really don’t know until we DO. So, my wish is for you to now go and DO!
