Be Your Own Hero

health/wellness Oct 08, 2024

Hey Lifeswervers!

In a world where we are exposed to people doing the “big” things or having “huge” amounts of stuff, we tend to think of success as “having and accumulating”. As I have looked inside myself and developed habits that build joy from the “inside out” for transformation, I know that my life is my “Hero's Journey”. We all have our own “Hero’s Journey” that doesn’t come from the media or social programming, it comes from our own inner guidance and love.

On one of my long bike rides last week – it really hit me. You are the hero of your own life. Whether you’re scaling mountains or just getting out of bed on time, you’re living your very own hero’s journey. Every day brings its own adventure – big or small – and it’s up to you to rise to the occasion. Think of it like you’re starring in your own epic movie, complete with twists, turns, and a few wizards and wands! The journey isn’t about perfection; it’s about showing up, facing challenges, and finding your inner strength.

So, what’s the secret to becoming the hero you’re meant to be? First, embrace the fact that everyone’s journey is different – there’s no right or wrong way to live your adventure. Maybe your challenge is making time for self-care, or maybe it’s switching careers or finding a new purpose in this stage of life. The key is to lean into the process, even when it’s messy, and remember that every setback is just part of the plot.

Think about the “what” and your “why” - not the “when” or the “how” - just do something. Don’t worry if you stumble or take a detour – all heroes do. You’re still moving forward!

Now, go out there and be the hero of your life – the world is waiting for your story!